Survivor Perks Survivor Roulette Killer Perks Killer Roulette
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Dead By Daylight Perks Roulette

Wishing the DBD perks were easier to view? Check out full lists of survivor and killer perks, with easy-to-see color-coded tiers and page numbers for reference.

Make games more interesting with perks roulette. Play with randomly generated perks!

Extra features available for logged in users. Create custom builds and save to your favorites list!

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Perks Roulette

For both survivor and killer characters, "Chance It" by playing with 4 randomly generated perks roulette-style.

You can also "Get Options" and select from 6 randomly generated perks.

No cheating!

App Features

Most features are available to anyone - view perks and play perks roulette without a login. Although, you can create an account and login to take advantage of extra features like favorited perks and custom perk builds!

Survivor Perks

View a comprehensive list of survivor perks, including color-coded tiers, full descriptions, icons, page numbers and more. Filter your view to find exactly what you're looking for!

Survivor Perks List

Survivor Roulette

Play roulette and generate a random list of perks for your game. Like what you drew? Log in (or sign up) to save the build to your favorites list.

Survivor Roulette

Killer Features

Similar to the survivor features, check out a list of killer perks or play roulette to get a custom player build. Page numbers and colored tiers are included for each perk.

Killer Perks List Killer Roulette


If you like a random roulette build, add it to your favorites. Create favorites for both survivor and killer perks. Sign up or log in to access this feature.

Custom Builds

Create your own custom perk builds. Refer to a full list of survivor or killer perks and add to your custom build. Once your build is full, you can save it to your favorites list. Sign up or log in to access this feature.

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